Google Ad Grants

What are Google Ad Grants ?
Google Ad Grants is a program similar to Google Ads , but specifically for nonprofits . It entitles you to a free endowment that can go up to $10,000 per month.
The objective of Google Ad Grants is to enable associations to increase their visibility through paid referencing . Each click on an advertisement generates a cost per click which will be deducted from the advertising budget of the association’s account, and this until the depletion of its $10,000 endowment.
Improve your site's SEO
Do you want to boost your notoriety ? Improve traffic on your website? Develop donations for your association? To achieve these goals, your Google Ad Grants campaigns must be impactful and effective. Finely chosen keywords will be used to attract your target and convert it. The goal? Whether the visitor becomes a member or donor to your humanitarian, ecological or social program. So, when the keyword is searched, your association will appear in the first lines and on the first page of Google .

The great benefits of Google Ad Grants ads
With Google Ad Grants , all features of Google Ads can be used. In addition, the ads placed can be analyzed and optimized accordingly using several tools such as Google Analytics and conversion tracking .
The Google Ad Grants program allows you to have better visibility on Google. It allows you to put forward convincing and quality content, with all the keywords necessary to defend the cause of your association. Google Ad Grants also allows you to benefit from an international deployment, and to transmit your messages more effectively.
Who can use Google Ad Grants?
Only charities, aid organizations and non-profit organizations are eligible for Google Ad Grants . Nonprofits must meet eligibility requirements and adhere to Google’s policies and terms of service. Humanitarian organizations , but also those working in the social and ecological fields will be able to benefit from the program.
Please note: government entities, hospitals, health organizations, schools, educational institutions and universities cannot register to benefit from the Google Ad Grants program. Note that even if the religious field is taken into account, the exception means that religious propaganda , like political propaganda , is not eligible to benefit from the program.

How does the Akolads agency support you in setting up your Google Ad Grants campaigns ?

Akolads consultants support you in setting up your ad step by step:
- Definition of campaign objectives : do you want to improve the visibility of your association? Generate traffic? Make you known?
- Definition of targets : age, sex, geographical area, etc.;
- Choice of keywords that correspond to your organization;
- Writing advertisements ;
- Monitoring performance and adjusting campaigns based on results.
frequently asked Questions
Yes, if your budget allows, it's a great idea to use a standard Google Ads account in addition to Google Ad Grants. This will allow you to increase the impact of your existing campaigns and use other types of campaigns: remarketing, display and video. Your two accounts will not compete with each other, as Ad Grants ads participate in a separate bidding process from standard (paid) ads.
No, the $10,000 per month is the maximum grant amount. There is no minimum spending requirement to keep your grant.
No, Google Ad Grants accounts have a spending limit of $329 per day. So there is no risk of exceeding the maximum grant amount.
Google Ad Grants est une solution identique à Google Ads, mais qui est destinée spécifiquement aux associations à but non lucratif. Grâce à ce programme, elles peuvent bénéficier d’une dotation gratuite qui peut aller jusqu’à 10 000$ par mois.
Google Ad Grants est une solution identique à Google Ads, mais qui est destinée spécifiquement aux associations à but non lucratif. Grâce à ce programme, elles peuvent bénéficier d’une dotation gratuite qui peut aller jusqu’à 10 000$ par mois.
Pour bénéficier de Google Ad Grants, vous devez adresser une demande d’inscription à Google. Lorsque l’éligibilité de votre organisation est validée, vous pourrez activer Google Ad Grants.
Oui : le programme donne aux associations le droit d’utiliser jusqu’à 10 000$ de dotation chaque mois.
Lorsque votre demande d'activation a été approuvée et que vous avez accepté l'invitation envoyée par e-mail pour accéder à votre compte Google Ad Grants, vous pouvez commencer à configurer votre première campagne : pour pourrez alors choisir votre cible, vos mots clés, et rédiger votre annonce.
Pour bénéficier de Google Ad Grants, les associations doivent remplir des conditions d’éligibilité. Les associations doivent avoir un but humanitaire, social ou écologique. Les entités gouvernementales, les hôpitaux, les organismes de santé, les écoles, les établissements d’enseignement et les universités ne peuvent pas s’inscrire afin de bénéficier de ce programme.
Oui, si votre budget le permet, c’est une très bonne idée d’utiliser un compte Google Ads standard en plus des subventions Google Ad Grants. En effet, cela vous permettra d’accroître l’impact de vos campagnes existantes et d’utiliser d’autres types de campagnes : remarketing, Display et vidéo. Vos deux comptes n’entreront pas en concurrence l’un avec l’autre, car les annonces du programme Ad Grants participent à une mise aux enchères distincte de celle des annonces standards (payantes).
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